There are 4 main parts to this, but don’t let that scare you off. It is quick and simple.

Tea, dairy, & caffeine free!

The 4 parts are:

1) Hot Water
2) Yummy medicinal spices
3) Homemade almond milk
4) Raw local honey

This chai – latte has so many healing qualities (without the negative effects or empty calories of a processed & hormonally pumped dairy milk one most coffee shops -sorry Starbucks- serve). As per Ayurvedic guidelines (the yogic system of health, medicine, & healing through food & lifestyle) drinking warm or heated water is healing to the body – preventing the stress caused on the body by drinking ice-cold liquids. The spices have additional medicinal values that aid in a myriad of optimally experienced physical effects – including; regulation of sugars in the body & optimum digestion. Raw honey is said to be “sap from the gods” with extreme energetic/nutritional value (as opposed to pasteurized or heated honey that is considered, actually, toxic for the body). It’s always recommended to consider indulging (as with everything) “in moderation” 😀


1) Find and buy a good local & raw honey.

2) Make your almond milk (this is the most involved part; but not hard!)

a) Soak 1/2 cup almonds in water for 4-8 hours to sprout & soften, preparing them for best consumption/digestion. If no time, this can be skipped, but it’s WAY BETTER to do it! I let it sit overnight.

b) Fill high powered blender (I’m a fan of vitamix) with roughly 1.5 cups of water. Add a few dates for sweetness (make sure no pits!), a sprinkle of salt to bring out the flavor, and a dash of vanilla if you like (best from the bean! :D)

c) Blend on high for 1-2 minutes. Do NOT let the blender heat up your milk!

d) I don’t even strain my nut milk! The vitamix just pulverizes so much that its barely even possible. Some people do like to strain it though, if the little bit of grittiness bothers you. I like that its a sign of something simple, whole, and homemade.

3) Boil tea water on the stove. (Seriously, we really don’t need microwaves taking up space in the kitchen anymore. Keep it roots.)

4) In your tea cup, sprinkle some cinnamon, cardamom, cracked black pepper, & ginger. Even better if it’s all fresh and ground with a mortar & pestal (the flavor and medicinal quality is unbeatable!) For ease though, just use what’s in your cabinet.

5) Pour hot boiled water over spices. Let it sit and steep for a minute – and cool slightly.
Add desired amount of almond milk (save the rest for up to 3.5 days in the fridge).
THEN add desired amount of honey (important to add this last when the drink is cooled to drinking temperature, so it maintains its raw, unheated god-like qualities!)

6) Step outside, take a deeeeeep breath, enjoy the moment. Smell the aroma of your chai, and enjoy. (Alternatively, enjoy the soothing warmth on a stormy or cold day!)