Me too! Like… All the time ;). That’s why I created this guilt free decadent desserts segment to share on CT Style. (Check out the live video in this post!)
I had a blast visiting with one of my best friends, Meg, and her co-workers both on and off air on this day! It was only a few days before her wedding and I hadn’t been back East in a long time… So needless to say, it was extra special and totally fun.
And… I couldn’t think of a yummier way to share than with my FAVORITE chocolate desserts – made with surprising superfood ingredients.
These recipes, from simple to more complex, are always a crowd pleaser. It’s so fun to see the surprised look on people’s faces when they learn what they are made with too!
One thing I LOVE about this style of cooking (un-cooking, actually) is that it is SO versatile. I wanted to maximize the bang for the buck of the opportunity, so I turned one recipe into the base for 3!
You take your pick.
Enjoy the vid! (Thank you for having me Meg and CT Style crew!) Recipes below…
“3 Delicious and Decadent Delights in Avocado”
3 Recipes in One:
Using avocado as the main, luscious base can create decadent desserts. It starts with a BASE recipe that can be tweaked to create three (or more with your creativity) possibilities!
Tantalizing Chocolate Berry Trifle
Chococolate FudgySicles
Divinely Decadent Chocolate “Cheezecake” Torte
**For a Lime-y Twist: Omit the chococlate/cacao powder, and replace it with the juice of fresh lime & lime zest to taste for a more mouth puckering delight!**
Also, Avocado is great for summer and dry climates, as it has cool and damp qualities to help balance out the intensity of the season or climate.
Depending on the recipe, you will need different kitchen equipment, but it’s all pretty basic.
Use ALL ORGANIC ingredients if you can!
(No one needs extra chemicals in their body if they want to free their energy, function optimally, and heal!)
1) Ripe Avocadoes
2) Hand full of water soaked mejdool dates, and the sweet water they soaked in
3) Raw Cacao Powder (or Unsweetened Cocoa or Carob Powder)
(Or if opting to create the lime-y version: omit the cacao powder, reduce the water content slightly, and make with fresh lime juice & zest!)
4) High quality vanilla extract or powder
NATURAL SUGAR AMOUNTS & SWEETNESS: To reduce the amount of natural sugar, reduce the amount of dates and add a bit of Natural Stevia (not truvia) to taste. I like to do a mix of dates AND stevia. Sometimes I mix it up with a different natural, “low-glycemic” & nutrient rich sweetener like REAL maple syrup, raw honey, or coconut sugar.
FLAVOR: Generally 1 tbs cacao powder to 1 avocado, and about 4 dates + a few drops of stevia is lighter chocolate. 2 tbs cacao powder to 1 avocado, and 3 dates + a few drops of stevia is intense deep dark chocolate taste.
Blender, Knife (to cut open avocados!), Measuring spoons
1) Place all ingredients in the blender. Use just enough of the water that you soaked the dates in so the ingredients will turn in the blender, but not too much (about ½ cup water for 1 avocado/4 dates). Keep the mixture as thick as possible. You may try stopping the blender and mixing things around to help it reach the blade a few times if necessary. Do NOT overwork your blender motor.
Proceed for specific instructions for each chocolately delight, respectively.
Chocolate FudgySicles
Equipment: popsicle molds
Quantity: About 1-2 avocados & a few dates, 3-6 (to taste) makes about 4 fudgy-sicles. ½ tp vanilla extract or a pinch of real vanilla bean powder.
1. After you REMOVE THE PITS, Place 3-7 or so dates in the blender with about ½ cup of water. Then add the avocado (+ I like to add a few drops of stevia too). Blend it and then add cacao powder (or lime juice and zest if doing the lime version instead). For “deep dark” fudgySicles, I use 2 tbs cacao powder. If you like it sweeter, you can add more dates and a little less cacao powder!
2. Take the mixture from the blender and fill your popsicle molds.
3. Lick the spoon
4. Place molds in freezer. Wait until they are frozen. A few hours at least.
5. Enjoy the melty fudgy, healthy yumminess!
Tantalizing Chocolate Berry Trifle
Equipment: Trifle (Pretty Glass) Bowl
Extra ingredients: Fresh or frozen assorted berries of choice, organic virgin coconut oil.
*Option to layer in easy Coconut Whip ~ see Sharack’s blog for that easy recipe!Directions:
1. Fill the bottom of the bowl with the avocado “mousse” mixture, ¼ or so of the way. Option to place in refrigerator so it can thicken before adding the next layer.
2. Create the next layer of berries +/ or coconut whip.
3. Alternate layers until the bowl is full.
4. Top with abundant berries. So beautiful!
5. Cover and refrigerate to chill and thicken at least a few hours or the night before serving.
6. Serve and enjoy!
Divinely Decadent Chocolate “Cheezecake” Torte
This is the more intricate of these three options, but oh so worth it.
Equipment: Tarte pan, pie pan, or even baking dish. Whatever you have, with a little bit of depth!
Option to use food processor for crust, or just chop by hand or pulse in blender.
Extra Ingredients:
– 1 cup or so of raw, organic cashews soaked in water for 2-4 hours
– A few generous tablespoons of organic virgin coconut oil
– Any combination of Edible flowers, Fresh Mint leaves, cacao nibs, coconut shreds, whole nuts, goji berries, raspberries, fresh sliced fruits or anything else that you can have fun creating a beautiful masterpiece on top with.
1) Make your crust by pulsing the nuts in the food processor or blender. Then pulse or mix in a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil, and light pinch of salt if desired. (You could add cacao powder & a tablespoon of maple syrup for a chocolate crust as well.)
2) Take the nut mixture and press it evenly into the pan you are using for your tarte.
3) Place in the freezer to harden and set while you make the filling
1) With the BASE ingredients in the blender, add the soaked cashews and coconut oil and mix until everything is as creamy as possible. DO NOT over work your blender by giving the motor breaks in between working towards the creamiest mixture possible. Might need to stop and move things around with a long spoon in between, depending on the blender.
2) Test the flavor and make any tweaks as necessary.
3) Take the crust out of the freezer and spread the filling on top.
4) Replace the torte in the freezer until it sets – 2 hours.
5) Have fun decorating the top of the torte with any combination of the above, or other healthy, fresh edibles!
6) Serve the crowd, and enjoy watching them be wow’ed!
Now I’d love to hear from you! Did you make any? How did it go? Were you or others surprised?
Let me know in the comments!