Success Stories & Client Love
Showing up for my tomorrow Self today and being accountable with consistency to my higher Self is exactly what I was looking for and had a direct impact on my awareness,
presence of mind, and self-esteem, which has been the biggest thing for me!
I would recommend this work to anyone who is ready to show up in their lives with consciousness and presence
Lenna’s Story:
I came to Haley looking for a way to create a stop gap between my Self and my unconscious tendency to dissociate that has happened my whole life, but taken many forms–some of the more recent have been especially self-sabotaging, and trying for the last few years to tackle this on my own and finally accepted that just wasn’t possible.
Having known Haley for many years, I really felt that I could trust her to guide me to the kind of awareness and ritual that I needed…And she was great about adjusting to the various manifestations of my self-sabotaging and meeting me right where I was to help me address that present moment and set myself up to show up for myself differently the next day.
The practice of showing up for my tomorrow Self today, in being accountable with consistency to my higher Self, is exactly what I was looking for and has had a direct impact on my awareness, presence of mind, and self-esteem, which has been the most important result for me in my life!
I also, quite unconsciously, hoped to accomplish my vision of what I wanted in my physical space and surroundings (both space and people)… So it was amazing that around the end of my time working with Haley, I moved into a perfect little house that is just almost exactly what I was envisioning for myself! Being in this physical space is such motivation to wake up and show up for my Self each morning.
Haley is a great guide, I felt supported and held the whole time and she was able to shift and show up wherever I was while still coming back to the reason that I was sitting with her… But you have to be ready and willing to do the work!
Due to distance and Covid, all of my sessions were virtual and I expected that to be more challenging than it was! I would imagine this kind of work being done in person would only make it that much more powerful.
I would recommend this work to anyone who is ready to show up in their lives with consciousness and presence.
Without a doubt, it was exactly what I was looking for.
“With only a short time working together… it’s amazing! I generally feel a sense of excitement and anticipation about what is coming up… because I see things actually happening! Taking the action and seeing so much potential and dynamic energy erupting from it is carrying me forward! At the end of the day I have evidence that I matter and made an impact on my life!”
Before I started working with Haley I was feeling so overwhelmed. Really distracted. I would go off in a direction and just not know what to do next, and then switch directions and I felt scattered and overwhelmed, and then I would just give up. And I would melt into, “Ohhhh…. I don’t know its all horrible!” And I felt so frustrated! And I felt stuck. Terribly stuck. And it was having an impact on how I felt about myself. And so with only 1.5 months working together, it’s amazing! Like really now… There’s still so much more to do and I can see how much further we’re going to go.. But just in this pretty quck period of time I feel so excited. Like generally I feel this sense of excitement and anticipation about what is coming up, because I see things actually happening. And my life is really busy, but also in a very managable way, where it feels like things are happening. It’s busy because things are happening. I started to teach a course that was burbling within me but, for many reasons, I just couldn’t pull the trigger on… So I’ve begun (teaching) this course and taking those steps of action and seeing so much potential and so much dynamic energy is erupting from it, and that is carrying me forward. My schedule feels a lot more full, and productive and manageable. I know what time I have available to do things and I do things in that time… So at the end of the day I’m like “Oh yes, I accomplished things today and I have evidence that I matter and made an impact on my life!“
“You provided me with so much more than I expected and in turn it has helped me to heal.
I received so many more ideas, practices, & life changing perspective than I was expecting, which in turn is helping me not dwell on the past so much and actually just be in the present..
I am so glad to be doing all of this!
This has been the best thing I have done for myself in a long time.
Thank you so much for all of your support. All of this would greatly benefit others as well!”
Before working with Haley, I had felt so disconnected from myself, going about day to day and feeling like I couldn’t get a handle on how to feel better, and I was really just burnt out. I had little energy, felt heavy with burdens that I hadn’t let go of, and needed more balance in my life. Less than optimal tendencies kicked into overdrive after a series of traumatic events over the years and although I had focused on some parts of a yogi lifestyle, I could not get myself into a consistent routine with the right techniques, since many I was trying were not enough to truly make a difference in myself or a significant change in how I was feeling. I was beginning to feel so weighted and heavy both physically and spiritually and it really hadn’t slowed down until this year when we started working together.
Now, I feel like I have the tools and strategies to help support both my physical and spiritual health and as an extrovert and lead kindergarten teacher, the tools that I am learning are helping me, not only with dealing with not being able to be with family and friends, but also having to deal with learning all new platforms, teaching it to all my families, and spending 3 times longer to plan for daily lessons due to pandemic. Typically, I would react to every little thing that didn’t go according to the plan I had created for myself, since so many traumatic things have happened and I became unable to deal with the little things that didn’t work out because I wanted to try to feel some sense of control.
With so much out of our control, I know I would be having difficulty concentrating on work and unable to peacefully live with my family if I hadn’t gotten myself the support to breakthrough these issues and gain some momentum for myself in myself in this way.
Haley was able to guide me to see some patterns in myself that I had not looked closely at for quite a while and helped me bring back practices that used to help me in the past, but that I had left behind after the birth of my two children. And being able to focus on diet recommendations, daily routine, paying attention to the cycles in nature and the spiritual world was a great benefit to me.
In addition I received so many more ideas, practices, & life changing perspective than I was expecting, which in turn is helping me not dwell on the past so much and actually just be in the present…. I am so glad to be doing all of this!
You provided me with so much more than I expected and in turn it has helped me to heal. This has been the best thing I have done for myself in a long time. Thank you so much for all of your support. All of this would greatly benefit others as well!
Mental, emotional, spiritual, practical, logistical… She’s pretty magical.
One other thing I’ll say about her is I felt a very deep committment from her to my success and I’m sure she’s that way with everyone she works with.
She’s a bright bright light and I hope you work with her because she’s very magical and maybe she’ll help illuminate things inside of you too!
I’m feeling more sexy, worthy, powerful, and noticing (and attracted to, and accepting) myself in many ways and more than ever…and I feel very so proud of myself, which is a huge celebration.
It’s a lot, it’s a big deal!
Veronica’s Story:
Before I began working with Haley I was just going through the motions existing and being, but not really trying, thriving, or connected to that deeper sense of purpose and what I wanted to manifest or do. I was feeling not present in my own life, and sometimes going into complete dissociation because my anxiety was so bad. At times I felt I was leaving my body, having panic attacks, and i just didn’t even want to look at or think about myself…
Now I’ve come SO far from that.
I don’t wake up in any sort of distress like I did just a little while ago. And I’m able to manage the anxiety. The thoughts come, I handle them, and let them pass. And I feel good that I’m doing everything I can to stay smart, safe, and healthy for myself and others- meditating, being more active, eating well, cooking at the house. Got up early, did my Goddess meditation, and drank my lemon water this morning. And it feels really good.
Another big shift is I find myself being 2-3 steps removed from what would previously be a reaction as the norm, making proactive decisions instead. It’s very freeing, makes me feel like I’m adulting, and really helping me in my communications with my family members…I feel a lot more present and engaged in a spiritual, mental, and emotional level. And I’m celebrating by dancing it out (instead of drinking, like before)!
Whereas before it was “Youre going to kill yourself if you get sick just because you’re so stressed out”… Sheer terror and no in between from 0 – I’m going to die … To… I channeled my inner parent, my spirit guides, and everything was Irie… and two seconds later I turned the radio on and bob marley was on. A divine intervention and presence of feeling the spirit – consciousness. It’s very quenching for my soul, and so much different from the anxiety binges i’ve had over the previous 18 months… it brings tears to my eyes because it’s not easy to engage with your deepest fears like that, and I’m so proud of myself I’m doing it… so that’s a huge celebration.
Now I’m not as afraid of my Self as I used to be. Sometimes I’m in awe of myself, and the cool shit I’m doing or have done, or revelations I’ve come up with. Something about the worry and anxiety is just a bit selfish so it’s been so nice to not be so self absorbed and checking on other people. I’m taking steps and embracing some unknown aspects of myself that I’ve never really looked into before.
And as a result… I’m more attracted to myself, if that makes sense. I’m feeling more sexy, worthy, powerful, and noticing myself more. And recently in the last 8 or so weeks my husband and I got a lot closer, spending a lot more sexy time together, which has been really fun! And I believe has a lot to do with feeling like i’m a lot more loving and accepting of who I am. Which I’m so proud of myself for doing because i was not feeling HOT for a long time.
So now that i’m realizing that i’m not as fucked up or broken as I thought i was… maybe I do have a chance at living the life I envisioned for myself when I was younger… realizing all the things I did to self medicate or cope. It brings tears to my eyes because now I accept myself in many ways and more than ever and I feel very proud of myself, which is a huge celebration. It’s a lot, it’s a big deal!
THIS PROGRAM AND MY OVERALL RISE IN VIBRATION ALLOWED ME TO find the courage to make some HUGE shifts, not just in my health but in my life & relationship – which are VITAL for my future. I am honoring my present, I’m the lightest I’ve been in years, and I’m getting lots of confirmation that I’m headed in the BEST direction for me… And it FEELS great. You have facilitated a HUGE change in me. I feel fantastic, clear, and filled with courage. I’m living “in the moment” more than I ever have and I feel MUCH more depth and lightness in my life. The arthritic inflammation (if that’s even what I have) has gone down drastically in my joints, the aches continue to diminish, & I’m realizing that some of the health issues I have may be emotional as well as inflammatory. I’m creatively on fire, energetic, and EVERYONE says, “you look 10 years younger”. I can’t argue with THAT! So much gratitude for you right now!
Working with Haley was *amazing*! Before our session, I was pretty much inside of a full blown panic attack about my life/purpose/ what I was doing…lots of questions, head spinning kind of thing. My internal dialogue was also really negative and I was feeling extremely self conscious…I was in comparison mode. She helped me distill down all the chaos into the main issues I was dealing with, and helped me see clearly, of course, that everything was actually alright. She was incredible at listening and hearing me, deeper than the words I was speaking. Haley is so sweet and understanding, she helped me through the emotion, back to my center.
She is a visionary in all things involving health and inspiration.
If you are looking for a coach/guide/alchemist…Haley is your girl!
Before working with Haley my diet was lacking and my sense of organization, balance, & inspiration was in need of a boost. After working with her, I found myself much healthier; physically, mentally, and emotionally, allowing myself to truly enjoy myself and those around me. I even ran the best timed run to date! Also, the education of the food that I was putting in my body was invaluable, and allowed me to make much more informed decisions and choices. I highly recommend Haley to anyone in a similar position. She is worth her weight in gold.“
After an hour session with Haley I feel so activated and connected to my inner source of beauty and wellness. I feel alive and am glowing! Everyone benefits when I’m in this state of being…!
Before I met Haley, I didn’t know people like Haley existed. She makes you look at the world from angles you have never tried before. With a unique observation about life, Haley squeezes life’s essence in any way she can, and so do the people she summons around her. Haley made me realize the most valuable asset I have is time. As our time on this earth is finite, we should make sure we’re enjoying every second – keeping our minds & hearts aroused.

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