I LOVE this lime-aid! It’s essentially a hybrid of fresh green-juice, (with all of its wonderful benefits) and delicious, refreshing or lime-ade! It’s pretty, feels so incredible to drink, hydrating, cleansing, gives a nice little pick-me-up in the afternoon, and is perfectly refreshing on a nice warm day.
Equipment: Blender, medium-fine mesh strainer, or cheese cloth/nut milk bag to strain with
1) Any FRESH Organic green veggies you have available (Except for broccoli, I personally wouldn’t choose that, but who knows?)
I loved: Cucumber, celery, fennel, spinach, a few leaves of kale (the flavor of raw kale can be a little bitter, so adjust according to your preference), and cilantro. These ingredients are so hydrating, nutritive, and even cleansing for the system.
2) 1-3 juicy limes
3) Stevia extract – I like this because it helps keep the amount of “sugars” I eat in a day nice and low, and therefore I’m messing with my body system less. If you do the calorie thing, I suppose it’s “less calories” too… But I personally am not counting! (If you don’t have stevia or can’t find it ~ NOT TRUVIA or other super processed versions, OR you REALLY just can’t get down with the taste… Check out my other post for other recommended low-glycemic, natural ingredients to sweeten up you life, dishes, and tonics with !)
1) Rinse & Cut the green veggies of your choice into large-ish chunks.
2) Place in Blender.
3) Fill ‘er up with filtered or spring water (non-chlorinated water – so as not to disturb the natural flora in the digestive tract – love up on the good bacteria in your body!)
4) Blend ‘er up on high power. Make sure the top is snug! Blend until you can’t blend no more!
5) Place the strainer over your glass and pour the watery-smoothie type liquid over it. Fidgit with it to help the beautifully emerald “juice” go through. Place the fiber aside (alternatively, if you want the fiber, you could drink it like a smoothie! OR… eat it with a spoon separately? I personally haven’t found the right use for this beautiful pulp yet, but if you do, PLEASE let me know!)
6) Take your limes and roll them around, pressing with the heel of your hand to release the juices inside. Then slice them open in the middles.
7) Squeeze the fresh lime juice in to your green juice, and add a few drops of stevia… until you love the taste.
8) Don’t forget a pretty lime wheel to decorate your class 😉 … IN-JOY!