Step 1: Get the temptations OUT! Then you can start from a clean slate. With ALL OPTIMAL ingredients in your kitchen (and nothing else) you’ll be prepared to make delicious, whole and healthy foods at the drop of a hat. Having a few key kitchen tools is helpful too (like a high speed blender). The other key is keeping your kitchen stocked with some basics that are versatile enough to create a huge variety of dishes from simple ingredients, both fresh and in the pantry.

I had a great time sharing this little segment when, at the beginning of the school year, Libby, the producer of Good Morning Connecticut, invited me to create a series to help people find ways to reduce stress.

Eating a healthy, whole foods diet is key!

Stocking your kitchen for success and a resilient lifestyle greatly helps to more easily process stress. It’s not the “end all” to stress management, but it’s a big step!

Again, it’s always a fun challenge to do these videos LIVE on AIR. I never have a clue exactly what they are going to ask me or how it’s going to go… Except for great (And perfectly un-polished ;P)

Hope you enjoy. And check out my offerings if you’d like to go deeper with support to implement a full kitchen, pantry, (and lifestyle) make-over. I love helping people make these positive changes that bring BIG impact in the short and LONG run.

Now I want to hear from you. Did you like this? Learn anything? Let me know your thoughts below in the comments!

