Contrary to the widespread (often lifestyle choice exasperated) high blood pressure we have in our culture, a new yoga student with low blood pressure approached me the other day very interested to begin yoga, but concerned because the last time she tried it (in Thailand) she felt very nauseous and unwell. She feared that if she tried it again, it may be bad for her; but clearly she knew below her fear, that something was telling her it could actually be helpful to her instead…

Good new: On the contrary to her first experience, yoga can help heal low pressure when practiced correctly for this condition.

If you’re concerned, try to work with a teacher you feel comfortable with and trust ~ this can make a world of difference!

It’s important to inform your yoga teacher beforehand of your specifics to help them be prepared to give you the best experience for you.

Here are some considerations for those with low blood pressure:

1. Move very slowly and with special attention to the breath between yoga postures. In particular, when lifting up from having been folding over.

2. Postures that increase blood flow to the brain are good: shoulder stand and downward dog.

3. Postures that stimulate the kidneys are good as well: twists & back bends.

4. Pranayama, or breathing excercises, will be good as well.

For more visit:


And, if you’re interested in seeking private sessions with me, to help craft a custom practice that will work for you (in person or virtual), please visit my “work with me” page and send me a message to set it up.

Now I’d like to hear from you! Was this post helpful? Did it help you see that many of our “perceived” barriers actually simply require a few tweaks to make yoga – and anything else we desire to do – more accessible to us?

I hope so. Please post in the comments!

